Monday, May 07, 2007

ahahah losers

for some reason, people have been clicking on this, even though i haven't updated it in three months. blogging seems secondary when you want to stick your head in an oven, but there's TOO MUCH GOOD STUFF RIGHT NOW!!

i have oh so much to say about that rat-face asshat, paris hilton, GOING TO THE CLINK Y'ALL! that judge is seriously one hot ho. a real american hero that one. seriously, this is more heroic than saving thirty-seven orphans from a burning orphanage.

but first, real-life, buffoonery overheard in the city this weekend on saturday. i was having lunch on saturday on a patio, and was witness to what can on
ly be described as 'THE WORST FIRST DATE EVER.' they were sitting next to me, and the girl was insanely pretentious. she at one point described a photograph as "almost post-darwinian..." WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? the poor guy!!! i bet that's the kind of girl that cries during sex...

and, just cuz i always have a picture, here's some randomness...GO SENS!!! DESTROY THE BUFFALO G

ha. get it? see what i did there? shut up.