Friday, April 21, 2006

my first totally awesome blog

i've been addicted to celebrity gossip blogs. not cuz i give a damn about lindsay lohan or paris hilton, but because they're effing hilarious. i mean, c'mon. naming tomkat's kid 'blorlok the pretty' is genius. i'm gonna talk about smallville. and america's next top model. and probably some other randomness. snakes on a planes? trivia. horror movies? chess. giant squids and colossus squids. old school nintendo games. fish with hands. yeah. all the stuff i feel nerdster bringing up in social situations.

smallville: one of the best episodes of the season last night. but SOOOOO cheese. chloe is all of a sudden a phone phreaker and computer hacker extraordinaire lol roffel lmao brb. but lionel totes found out about clarke for sure. that episode merited TWO bottles of delicious jackson triggs. i remember not the family guy that followed.

worky worky time. lates.

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