Monday, June 12, 2006

best saturday ever.

you remember when you were a kid, and you slept in til 11 on saturday mornings, got up and microwaved a pound of bacon, and layered it on top of your count chocula, then watched five hours straight of saturday morning cartoons? followed by a vigorous nintendo (or atari?) session...

i remember it. i also remember thinking 'oh man, when i move out on my own, I'M TOTALLY DOING THIS

until last saturday, i hadn't kept the dream alive. i ignored and supressed my inner child, who so desperately wanted to show her grease-stained face the light of day.

i woke up saturday morning, sick, and so blessedly happy to see it raining like a son'bitch. i went out and bought a big bag of doritos, sat in my underwear and played nintendo for seven hours straight. even when i got chip crumbs on me, i didn't brush them off. that's what i got a cat for, yo.

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