Tuesday, May 02, 2006

zinc lozenges

<---------- this made my day. i found this scrawled on a library book. can you not picture the bored, frustrated hoser who's been trying to perfect his rendition of the metallica logo? awesomeology. rock on brother. you're THIIIS close! i'm hiding right now. i'm pretending i'm on a serious call. there's a baby in the office. you know that seinfeld episode 'YOU GOTTA SEE THE BAAAAAABYYYY..' we got an office like that. i got called 'wretched' by the boss's wife because of my less than maternal instinct towards children. i will eat your children for that. oh wait...

oh, and the happy birthday thing the day of awkward small talk and cake eating and the boss asking 'what's the most important thing you've learned in your last year of life?' well, boss, i'd have to say i've learned that it's important to crush the roofies
thouroughly before slipping them into drinks. that, or just use chloroform the old fashion way. a girl's got NEEDS, yo.

they want to organize a company summer outing. it will probably be something involving the wearing of shorts. shudder. my colleague (ha!) suggested paintball and i think that is rad. i think we should do it in regent park whilst drinking jack daniels from paper bags. whilst yelling racial slurs. may the best man win.


1 comment:

Just the Goods said...

Ha ha ha! I know what you're talking about... so many people think I'm "evil" becuase I refuse to reproduce. Freaks. Anyway... I just wanna say I love your blog -- Tacky_Thing pointed to it on her LJ. I'll have to thank her for that ;-)